6 Tips To Stop Overthinking | How To Stop Overthinking

Overthinking is becoming a more common problem, especially in teenagers, and the effects of overthinking on your emotional and physical health are devastating. It not only affects you mentally but can also have a bad effect on the relationships you share with people.

One study from the University of Michigan found that 73% of adults between the ages of 25 and 35 overthink, as do 52% of 45- to 55-year-olds.


Overthinking as the name suggests is when you think too much. Overthinking is when you go over the same thoughts over and over, doing a lot of analysis for the simplest of situations until you lose all sense of proportion. The person suffering from overthinking finds it really hard to convert those thoughts into actions or come with beneficial results leading to feelings of anxiety and stress.

Overthinkers may find themselves paralysed by their concerns and find it difficult to decide or take action. Depression, anxiety, and other mental health conditions can result in overthinking.

What Causes Overthinking?

Overthinking is not a mental illness in and of itself, but it is connected to a number of disorders including depression, anxiety, eating disorders, and substance addiction. Rumination, which manifests as negative thoughts about the pain and getting better from it, is common among those who experience chronic pain and chronic illnesses.

According to Natalie Dattilo, PhD, a clinical health psychologist in Boston and professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, worry and ruminating can occasionally deceive the brain into connecting itself with something useful or constructive. Consider worry, which is a defining characteristic of generalised anxiety disorder, explains Dattilo. It can be simple to fall into the habit of worrying, but you can break it. Worrying could be perceived by some as concerning behaviour or as a technique to get ready for the worst.

How To Stop Overthinking?

here are some tips about how to stop overthinking:

1.) Meditation


The first and best tip on how to stop overthinking is meditation. Mediation is the best way to train your brain; in the same way, a warrior would physically train and prepare for war, meditation helps train your brain to fight the negative thoughts your brain creates.

When you meditate, you will be fighting against a thousand negative thoughts, but you just have to focus on your breathing. The beginning is the hardest part, but once you get through the hardships, you will find peace of mind.

2.) Don’t let your thoughts control your actions


The brain generates a variety of thoughts on a constant basis especially when you are an overthinker but as Dallito said “thinking is a two-way street. We eventually decide whether to accept the brain’s numerous or practically constant “thought suggestions.”

You don’t have to believe every scary thought that crosses your mind. In reality, you can utilise those overthinking times to doubt and confirm what is true, reducing the power that the frightening thought has over you.

3.) Journaling


Journaling is the practice of writing down your innermost feelings, ideas, thoughts, and more. It can be typed, written, or illustrated. Both paper and a computer can be used.

It aids in improving concentration, enabling one thought at a time thinking. You can only write one word at a time when you write by hand. You’ll notice that it’s simpler to escape your overthinking mindset as your thoughts slow down to match your writing speed.

4.) Let go of the past


Overthinkers frequently dwell on the past and waste their time wondering “what ifs” and “should haves.” The past is just the past, as those who know how to not overthink understand. It is unchangeable. You can only alter the meaning you assign anything by doing so.

By letting go of the past, you are preventing your past errors from influencing your present choices and negative experiences from dictating your feelings. You release your wrath and forgave the other person. One of the most important ways to alter your tale is this.

5.) Live in the moment


Another way how to stop overthinking is by living in the moment. Learning to stop overthinking requires practising living in the present moment. The majority of individuals can’t just turn on a switch and be present. You may take charge of your thoughts and halt unfavourable feelings in their tracks. Before it becomes out of control, recognise overthinking and take a moment to reset. Take a deep breath and concentrate on the present; what can you hear and see? What are you appreciative of? It will require conscious awareness at first. You may retrain your brain to live in the present with the help of daily practises like meditation and priming. You’ll soon realise that it comes naturally.

6.)  Talk to a Supportive Friend


If your friends are aware of your struggles, they can also assist you in stopping your overthinking. Go out and meet people you can trust and share your feelings with them. Admit that you doubt every choice you make, and ask for their assistance on how to stop overthinking, learning to better manage your thoughts by letting them know when they catch you brooding over closed agreements.

But keep in mind that getting one or two perspectives from friends could help you stop overthinking, the more opinions you get, the more your mind will race. The ideal tactic is to limit your circle of influence to only a few close friends or family members who you can trust and can help you to get their external perspective will help you in recognising when you are overthinking.

These are some tips on how to stop overthinking. Overthinking might not be a mental illness, but it can have devastating effects on your mental, emotional, and physical health, creating relational problems that leave you alone and suffering from loneliness and suicidal thoughts. So seek for help from your loved ones.

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