8 Health Benefits of Giloy Juice | KPH Media
In Hindi, Giloy is known as Guduchi or Tinospora Cordifolia. Due to its reddish fruit and heart-shaped leaves, Giloy is called Heart-leaved Moonseed. There are Many Health Benefits of Giloy Juice. Vata and Kapha and Various disorders such as diabetes, cancer, neurological problems, fever, etc. can be treated with Giloy. The stem is highly effective due to its nutritional value, alkaloids steroids, and other compounds found in it
Giloy can be consumed as juice, powder, or capsules. Giloy juice is a green herbal drink prepared by blending the branch or stem of the plant with some water. It is commonly used in traditional kadas as well…
Here are 8 Health Benefits of Giloy Juice:
1). Immunity booster:
Giloy is one of the best herbs for boosting immunity. It contains powerful antioxidants that keep your cells healthy, fight free radicals, and eliminate diseases. By removing toxins, purifying blood, fighting bacteria that cause diseases, and fighting liver diseases and urinary tract infections, Giloy helps maintain health. According to experts, Giloy is useful for treating heart-related conditions, as well as for treating infertility.
2). Diabetes Treatment:
There are many people suffering from diabetes in India due to this common lifestyle disease. Giloy acts as a hypoglycaemic agent, making it an effective treatment for diabetics. It can lower blood sugar and lipid levels. To reduce high levels of blood sugar, type 2 diabetics can drink giloy juice.
3). Improves respiratory health:
Giloy is widely known for its anti-inflammatory properties and helps reduce chronic respiratory problems like frequent cough, cold, and tonsillitis.
4). Relieves chronic fever:
Giloy is an excellent remedy for chronic, recurrent fevers. An anti-inflammatory, antipyretic herb, it boosts your immunity to fight infection and also helps with early recovery. It reduces fever due to its Javarghana (antipyretic) properties.
5). Boost your digestion:
With Giloy, you can resolve digestive problems like diarrhea, colitis, vomiting, hyperacidity, and more.After waking up or before going to sleep at night, you can take a half spoon of Giloy powder with lukewarm water to relieve indigestion.
6). Getting rid of stress and anxiety:
To reduce stress and anxiety, you can easily grow a Giloy plant at home and drink a portion made from its leaves or stems. By getting rid of toxins, boosting memory, calming you down, it’s a great health tonic. If combined with other herbs. Using tulsi leaves and ginger, you can make a relaxing drink.
7). Improves Eye vision:
Giloy plant boosts vision clarity when applied to the eyes. Simply boil Giloy powder or stem/leaves in water, let it cool, and apply it over your eyelids.
8). Treat Arthritis:
Giloy is anti-arthritic. It treats rheumatoid arthritis and joint pain. You can improve your arthritis condition by drinking half a spoon of Giloy powder with milk daily.
Important Note:
Above you Read Heath benefits of Giloy Juice. As a natural herbal remedy, Giloy has no serious side-effects. However, Giloy can sometimes cause constipation and lower blood sugar levels. Therefore, if you are diabetic and consume Giloy regularly, monitor your blood sugar levels regularly. Also, don’t consume Giloy if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding.